Top-selling Etsy product categories for holiday season

etsy top selling product for holiday featured image

The holiday season is right about here. It is already high time that any online retailer should get started on promoting and optimizing products on the marketplaces. Especially if you are selling on the Etsy marketplace, you cannot neglect the fact that buyers are already scanning and selecting the products that they want to buy. So, here are the top-selling Etsy product categories for this holiday season.

Home Decor

etsy home decors

With holiday seasons comes the time to invite guests at home. For this reason, people are looking for options to improve their social life and their social perception by redecorating their homes.

Also, special products that give out the festive vibes and create the holiday-specific ambiance are high in demand during this season. Make sure to list these products if you haven’t listed them yet.

Kitchen & Dining

etsy kitchen and dining

When you are spending your holidays indoors and especially inviting guests, your kitchen and living room are two places that’ll be super busy. For this reason alone, the kitchenwares are one of the most bought products on Etsy during holidays.

When your expertise is in Kitchen & Dining products, you must grab this opportunity. But before listing them, first, check the products that are already listed on Etsy under the Home & Dining category. Then choose the promotion type proven to be effective for you in the past.

Women’s Clothing

etsy womens clothing

Clothing for Women is another top-selling product category in the Etsy marketplace. And during the holiday season approaching, Etsy should have already started getting tonnes of female traffic scanning, selecting and ordering their choices.

Take this chance to get more orders from Etsy by listing anything that would look good on the Women’s wardrobe collection. If you look at the screenshot above, you’ll see a tiny “ad” text even on the bestseller products. You can contact our support team at ExportFeed if you want to setup product ads on Etsy.

 Unisex Adult Clothing

etsy unisex clothing

Sellers on Etsy receive high volume traffic on the unisex products during the holiday season. However, to sell more products of this category, you need to be addressing the specific interests of a particular niche.

Like, Halloween themed t-shirts.  You can also see this example on the screenshot above for the specific sports-related t-shirts.

Necklaces, Earrings, Bracelets, Rings

etsy jewelry category

Under the jewelry category, these are the high selling products on Etsy. For handmade and custom products, these products are high in demand. Along with that, if you are selling jewelry under made-to-order, it is peak time that you start listing them now.

However, for sellers specialized in selling jewelry, you need to ensure that your product variation types and product attributes are all as required by Etsy bulk lister. To meet these requirements, you can consult freely with our expert support team.


etsy print category

Etsy is really a place for creative people and this is justified by the volume of prints that it sells during the holiday season. When you are a creative painter or work to sell digital prints, you can seize the opportunity to boost your revenue by listing your products on Etsy.

Don’t miss this opportunity and get more customers for your creative work. Start listing your products under Prints under Arts & Collectibles of Etsy categories today.

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