Item Type Keyword (item_type) – Selling on Amazon


What is item_type while selling on Amazon?

Amazon uses values supplied by sellers to determine where listings are visible on (e.g., Men’s Dress Shirts). If a seller does not provide a browse node, then Amazon will assign the product to the root node (the broadest or most general node) for the category (e.g., Clothing).

These products tend to perform less well because customers have difficulty finding and comparing them to other listings. Supplying values in item_type field help to better categorize your products enhancing the search results while selling on Amazon.

Where to find the value for item_type?

The values for item_type can be found on Browse Tree Guide table.

For Example “item_type_keyword:hand-towels” indicates that the term “hand-towels” should be added to the “item_type_keyword” field in inventory template.


The below table shows the Node ID and Item_type_keyword for Baby Products

  1. In Recommended Browse Node/ the node ID is kept
  2. In Item type, you have to enter the value from Query tab with  item_type_keyword of your related node ID.
  3. Give the Name to your Feed and get feed.

 If you face confusions related  to Item_type Please Contact Us