This post will explain the steps on how to create your developer account on Etsy Merchant so that you can completely set up your version of ExportFeed to create feeds for Etsy and benefit from selling there.
Update 02/23/2021: Since we’ve implemented the Authorization model recommended by Etsy, you can simply click on the Allow button on Etsy Authorization page.
The First step will be to navigate to https://www.etsy.com/developers and click on the Register as Developer link.
Next you will be approached by a simple registration form where you will need to provide some basic information like: Your Name, Email, Password and Username. You can also use to register using Facebook or Google account. After you provide your registration details, you will be sent a confirmation email which you will need to verify.
Now you will be directed to a page where you will need to provide certain information about your app. The information required for this page are:
Application Name:
Provide the desired name for your application. Sample – YourSiteNameProductFeed
Describe your Application:
Provide the description for this application. Sample – This app is used to create a product feed for Etsy from YourSiteName. This app meets all the product feed requirements.
Application Website:
Provide the full URL of your e-commerce site. Sample – https://www.yoursitename.com
What type of Application are you building?
Click on the checkbox besides Seller Tools.
Who will be the users of this application?
For this, select the option Just myself or colleagues.
Is your application commercial? Will you charge people to access the application?
Select No for this option.
Will your app do any of the following? Can check more than one.
Here select all of the provided options, namely – Upload or edit listings, Read Sales Data, Send email
After filling up this form, verify the captcha and click on the Read Terms and Create App button.
Now, read and scroll down to the agreement form and click on the checkbox besides I have read and agree to the Etsy API Terms of Use. Then click on the Create App button.
Now you will get a success and Welcome to the Etsy API message. Here you will find the App Name, Keystring and Shared Secret of your App. You will need to get this information to setup your ExportFeed account.
In this success page, the key information required in the ExportFeed plugin. So copy your KEYSTRING information and SHARED SECRET and log in to your WordPress Admin panel. There click on the Etsy Feed. Till this point, if you have not installed WooCommerce to Etsy plugin, you can download it from this link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/exportfeed-for-woocommerce-product-to-etsy/
After you install and activate this plugin and click on the Etsy Feed on your WordPress Admin panel, you will be prompted to enter the KeyString and Shared Secret like in the screenshot below. There enter your previously created Keystring and Shared Secret and you are ready for the Etsy shop setup.
Bonus Tip: Not sure whether to sell on Etsy or Shopify? Click here to find your answer!
For more tips, tricks, and tutorials on selling successfully on Etsy, visit our Shopify Etsy Integration blog series at Digital Product Labs!