What are the Variation rules for products as per Etsy?
To list your products to Etsy you need to follow the following variation rules as per Etsy:
- The product must have the proper variation combination. (For example, there is a product with two different variation attributes that are size and color. Each of the sizes must have each of the colors available which means color Red should be available in each of the sizes Large, Medium, Small and similar case for other remaining color Blue, and Green.)
- A product should not have more than two variation attributes. (For example, A shirt can have many variation attributes such as length, size, and color etc. However, Etsy only allows two variation attributes in a product. So, a merchant cannot include more than 2 different variation attributes in a product on Etsy.)
Possible errors that may occur regarding variations upload.
While uploading your products to Etsy you may face the following errors if the rules mentioned above are not followed:
- “Error 1: Your variation products have more than two variation attributes, Etsy supports exactly two variation attributes.”
Why does this Error occur?
This error is caused if you don’t follow the variation rule of Etsy and try to list your product with more than two variation attributes. The improper way to list your product which causes this error is represented from the picture below:
How do I prevent this issue?
To prevent this issue, you must have not more than two variation attributes. The proper way to list your products is represented from the picture below:
- “Error 2: Variation upload failed for this product. Please provide all possible combinations of the property values.”
This error is caused if you don’t follow the variation rule of Etsy and try to list your product with improper variation combinations.
What causes this error?
This error is caused if your property value includes multiple sizes and colors and you don’t include every possible combination for all property. The incorrect way to list your product which causes this error is represented from the picture below:
From the picture above, it can be observed the product has an improper combination of variation as the sizes of T-shirts does not include all three of the colors mentioned.
How do I prevent this issue?
If your property values include multiple sizes and colors, the variations must include every possible combination of all sizes and colors. The correct way to list your product is represented by the picture below where it can bee seen that all the sizes are available for each of the color:
How do I update the product properly to avoid variation errors?
To resolve variant attributes and variation combination error, you must revisit Shopify and make sure you have only 2 variation attributes:
After visiting the store you can delete one of the variation attributes if there are more than two, by following steps:
- Go to product variants and click more options
- Click Edit options
- Delete one of the variations.
- Click done
The variation includes all the possible combinations such as sizes and colors. After visiting the store you can edit the combination of variations by following steps:
- Click Add Variant
- Fill out the missing combinations and click save. (Set the quantity for the combination as 0 if you do not want to sell it)
The product can then be send to Etsy without any error.